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DRESSING MEPORE 3.6 X 4 [670900]

Item #: 7400

Product Info

MOL 670900
MOLNLYCKE Mepore 3.6x4 is an all-in-one absorbent surgical dressing. Sterile low-adherent pad protects healing wounds and conforms to the body so it can be applied to awkward areas. Soft, elastic, non-woven polyester provides for a smooth, porous dressing while minimizing fluid strike-through. High air permeability allows the wound to breath. HCPCS Code {A6219} This 3.6" x 4" (9cm x 10cm) dressing is sold individually, to order a box order 50 each or to order a case order 400 each.
MOLNLYCKE Mepore 3.6x4 is an all-in-one absorbent surgical dressing. Sterile low-adherent pad protects healing wounds and conforms to the body so it can be applied to awkward areas. Soft, elastic, non-woven polyester provides for a smooth, porous dressing while minimizing fluid strike-through. High air permeability allows the wound to breath. HCPCS Code {A6219} This 3.6" x 4" (9cm x 10cm) dressing is sold individually, to order a box order 50 each or to order a case order 400 each.
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